Keep Yourself Germ Free this Winter!
27th November 2019
During the Winter months, germs and sickness can disrupt our work, our social life, as well as our physical and mental health. As sickness begins to circulate, sick days, hospital appointments and disruption seem to take over.
In this article, our experts explain how to reduce sickness throughout your environments and also tips to prevent germs and bacteria from spreading and contaminating.
So where and how does sickness travel during Winter?
During the Winter, spending time with the family and creating a festive period is what we look forward to. However, Christmas time also coincides with the flu and cold season. It is the season of spreading sickness, germs and bacteria, rather than spreading joy, happiness and festivity.
Germs and bacteria at home and in the office
Sickness during the Winter doesn’t just affect the individual/employee’s personal health and workflow, however can also lead to scheduled projects and work falling behind due to absence. Factors as such, can eventually lead to stress, worries and in some cases conflict within the business.
Germs and bacteria are everywhere and anywhere, quite frankly it’s impossible to kill every bacteria and germ, however this article will advise you on how to prevent and minimise the risk of spreading of germs.
Germs at Home
Let’s start at home, home is where we should feel safe and sound, however, did you know that the average house harvests 8,000 different types of bacteria and bugs? Hiding deep within your kitchen, your toilet, your bed and your toothbrush, you just can’t escape. As well as your house, your workplace and office can’t be much cleaner, in fact, it could be a lot worse!
Germs at the Office
Working in an office or an enclosed environment can fester 1,000’s of germs and bacteria. Germs can be passed through touching, eating, even breathing, but worst of all, sneezing and coughing! At times it can feel as though your colleges are trying to out-sneeze each other. That, or they are on there way to creating the new Christmas jingle due to the constant coughing and disruption!
Did you know?
That 100,000 contagious germs digest into the air at speeds up to 100 miles per hour per sneeze or cough!
How to help prevent germs spreading at home or in the office?
Washing your hands seems stupidly obvious, however, 95% of people actually fail to wash their hands long enough to kill harmful bacteria. Washing your hands should be done whenever you are in contact with public property or frequently used and handled areas of the property. If you’re concerned about where to find the germ festered hotspots in an office and how you can reduce them, visit our previous article.
Keeping hand sanitiser and disinfecting wipes with you throughout the day is a simple yet effective way to ensuring germs and bacteria are killed. Not only do these products help ensure our hands are germ free, however products such a disinfecting wipes can be used to give your environment a good thorough cleanliness.
If you’d like to discuss how we can help keep your workplace free from germs, get in touch using our form, or for more information on where and how to kill bacteria and germs, then head over to our article on ‘Office Germ Hotspots, and How you can Reduce the Risk’